병원회원 전용자료

The coenzyme Q10 Periodontal Therapy (코엔자임큐텐과 치주질환 review)
14.01.22 17:42



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Oral administration of Coenzyme QIO has also provided beneficial effects on periodontal tissue. One study monitored the ingestion of 50 mg of Coenzyme QIO for 21 days. After 21 days, there was a significant reduction in pocket depth when comparing the pre and post-administration of Coenzyme QIO. Post biopsy results revealed excellent healing in gingival tissues; also, there were no adverse reactions experienced."

In a clinical trial evaluating the oral administration of Coenzyme QIO, patients with periodontal disease were treated orally with 100 mg of Coenzyme QIO per day for two months. This trial concluded that oral administration of Coenzyme QIO is an effective method to reduce and eliminate microorganisms at the gingival level of patients with periodontal disease by increasing the efficacy of the host's immune system.

치주 질환이 있는 환자에게 코큐텐 50mg를 3주간 섭취시켰을 때에 
포켓의 depth가 유의미하게 감소하였고, 
조직검사를 해봤더니 잇몸조직의 치유가 현저하게 빨랐다고 합니다.
부작용은 없었구요. 

또 다른 임상시험에서도 치주질환 환자에게 코큐텐을 하루 100mg 씩 두달간 투여해서 좋은 성적을 거두었습니다. 이 시험에서는 코큐텐이 인체의 면역력을 증가시켜 잇몸의 세균을 억제하는 효과가 있는 것으로 결론짓고 있습니다. 


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